SEE• Youth and traumatic psycho perversions

Shoaib Mohammad

Peace is not absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means every conflict has got a negative impact upon the lives of people whether it is family society or a nation.

Coming towards the point of Kashmir the emotional and psychological effect of the consequential violence is strongly felt by all, irrespective of, age, career and locality, or gender.

This gradually resulted into insecurity, breakdown of social relations and families, shattered IQ and leading him to the world of perversion and refuge in drugs. The mafia world takes advantage of this and lures them to drugs and anti-social activities for their vested motive.

Making peace and harmony between our violent past and insecure and unbalanced present, we the Kashmiri youth are strongly affected both mentally and emotionally which logically leads to frustration and aggression while as to recoup ones mental health seems unsatisfactory.

To develop the inner peace of mind seems to be out of depth. The trending problems facing by the youth include hysteria both in male and female, stress, mood disorder or depression; drug addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and chronic depression are seen rising.

The psychological survey conducted by “Bio-med Central” to measure the effect of conflict upon the mind and health of people and in order to attain best results a lot of samples have been taken from Kashmir by interviewing a number of people both male and female about how they are been effected by the conflict.

The interview process was conducted by doctors and conclusion drawn reveals that the fear, threat and depression are the major challenges faced by people under conflict.

Surely, it can be assumed that similar outcomes are to be found among understudies and taught youth in the Valley.

In the last few years extreme turmoil and chaos is seen in its more destructive manner as a result its effect upon the normal life and on mind of people seems doubled in nature while to live a hassle free life became dream of a normal Kashmiri person.

Economic disturbance also leads to frustration among Kashmir’s and insurgency is being responsible for the whole scenario. But this is not enough the ongoing conflict has deep roots and branches all over.

One of its ugly branch established a strong hold in these years of conflict, marked by bomb blasts and gun battles, have shrouded one of Kashmir’s biggest problems which is rising drug abuse among the Valley’s youth.

The data retrieved from SMHS Hospital located in Srinagar which is one of the leading hospitals in the Valley revealed data with an 85 percent increase in the number of drug and substance abuse cases, from 410 in 2014 to 759 in 2016.

And gradually the combined cases of drug abuse and psychological issues also rose up from more than 14,500 cases during 2014 to 33,222 during 2016, this shows 130 percent increase in two years.

As per the data of Drug Control survey programme held in 2008 conducted by United Nations drug survey rated 70,000 drug addicts in Kashmir, which also include 4,000 women.

The government mental health hospital in Kashmir revealed in one of the report that most of the drug addiction cases belong to the category of very young Kashmiri folk.

The director of drug de-addiction center Srinagar Dr. Khan exposed that the trend of drug abuse is on the rise and clearly seen among school children as they have registered many of such cases, where students of Class IX to XII are involved and attached with drugs.

The commonly used substance by drug addicts and drug peddlers in Kashmir valley include cannabis at the top then brown sugar, heroine, sp tablets, anxit, alprax, inhalant substances like fevicol, SR solution, thinner, shoe polish, paint varnish and dirty socks are used as drug material.

The snoozing rate of this hazard in Kashmir leads the experts and academicians to share a comment that, “We have lost one generation due to bullets and we may lose another generation due to drugs.”

Many interviews have been conducted by various researchers between the age group 17-30 and the major findings revealed that conflict and unemployment are being the major cause for such menace in the valley.

This griming picture of such psychological diseases, drug addiction, aggression and frustration puts a bulk of challenge in front of the Kashmiri people in general and towards governmental and non- governmental organizations in particular.

The awareness on the part of parents and caretakers is also an issue to tackle so that they can identify such problems as early as possible and can provide them immediate help.

A bulk of literature recommends that intensifying a victim’s social support and instil in him or her with some positive behaviours can help him in recovering from such traumas.

Such people are mostly seen isolated so establishing a certain kind of social and moral support will help them and make them more empowered to get over such problems.

Conflict management is imperative because end of conflict is uncertain therefore the panacea is management of the mind of youth.


Hence the stakeholders like parents, social groups, medical counsellors, peer groups, NGOs have to find a vision to sublimate the tilt of the youth towards psycho depression because treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable.

We want our people to be same as Molave tree, very strong and resilient, standing up on the hill slides and unafraid of the rising tides, lightning and storms.

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