Tik-Tok Ban
It is being revealed that “the Chinese lip-syncing app your children love, but you have never heard of” now it has become a threat. The link has been taken doen from playstore, however previously downloaded app is still working till 23 april. See how TikTok - also known by Douyin means ''vibrating sound''. It stands for developing and sharing 15 sec short cut videos. this app was was launched as Douyin in China in 2016 and then spread to overseas market and 1 year later it got renamed as TikTok now it is top most short clip platform in Asia, the wiki sources say it has been downloaded for about 80 million times in the United States, and more than 800 million times in the world. TikTok BAN India ● India, High Court and Supreme Court PIL ruling Days back on April 4 2019, the Madras High Court on hearing a PIL has apealed the government to totally ban tiktok application and further added that this app encouraged inapropriate content. Moreover court also noted ...